American Freedom Defence Initiative v The City of Edmonton: Court Number 1403-06143
What are the reasonable limits on free expression in the context of religious criticism? Edmonton Chambers will be faced with this question on February 20, 2015. The American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI) has launched a suit after the City of Edmonton’s transit authority pulled its advertisements from city buses after receiving complaints. The ads directed Muslim women and girls living in fear of so-called “honour killings” to contact AFDI’s website. AFDI maintains that its ads sought to assist Canadian women and girls, and promote gender equality and the rule of law. Edmonton residents who complained called the ads “discriminatory” and “offensive”. A 3-person panel will discuss the scope of free expression in Canada, the reasonable limits that can be imposed on it.
Sarah Burton, LL.B., LL.M., ACLRC
Ola P. Malik M.A., LL.B., LL.M., City of Calgary
Geoff Ellwand, J.D., Ruttan Bates, Former CBC Producer & Reporter
Light Snacks will be provided
This is a free event but please register e: or p: 403-220-2505