Our Summer Students, Volunteers and Articling Students
ACLRC operates through the assistance of a dedicated and engaged group of volunteers and students. The Access to Justice heading was completed with the assistance of the following people:
- Nitin Kumar Srivastava, Articling Student 2016 and Charles Ibeh, Articling Student 2015 (Access to Justice and Canadian Elders)
- Ronaliz Veron, Articling Student 2014 (Access to Justice and Administrative Tribunals)
- Staci Smith, Summer Student 2014 (Reflections on Restorative Justice)
- Heather Chan, Summer Student 2013 (What is Access to Justice?; Annotated Bibliography on Access to Justice in Aboriginal Communities)
- Sadaf Raja, Summer Student 2013 (Access to Justice in Aboriginal Communities)
- Charles Ibeh, Volunteer (Justice, the Police and Human Rights)
- Peter Roy Cotton-O’Brien (Human Rights and the Police – Annotated Bibliography)
- Heather Forester, Contractor (Access to Justice and New Canadians; Access to Justice and Persons with Disabilities)
- Ayodeji Otiti, (A2J and Truth and Reconciliation)
ACLRC thanks you for your hard work in this important area.