Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Sets the Stage for First Nations' Discrimination Cases

Photo: flickr/Stephen Rees

In late January, 2016, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (Tribunal) ruled that children living on First Nations reserves have been discriminated against because of underfunding of education and child welfare. (see: First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada et al v Attorney General of Canada (for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada), 2016 CHRT 2 (CanLII) (online [1]). Canadians who are not First Nations may be surprised to learn about the issue of underfunding because there is much misinformation about issues of funding of First Nation peoples’ families and communities.

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Canada’s Legal Obligation and Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Photo: flickr/Freedom House

Canada fulfilled its commitment of providing humanitarian assistance to 25 thousand Syrian refugees in March 2016. This provides an opportunity to examine Canada’s actions to address the crisis in the context of the country’s legal obligations for the protection of refugees. This post suggests further measures to address refugee resettlement more effectively.

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Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Overturns Discrimination Decision on Foreign Trained Engineer

Photo: flickr/ David Bleasdale

This blog post has been reposted with permission from

In an earlier post with Jason Wai, we discussed the decision of the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal (AHRT), in which Mr. Ladislav Mihaly succeeded in arguing that the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) discriminated against him on the grounds of place of origin, when it refused to recognize his education as the equivalent of an engineering degree from an accredited Canadian University, and by requiring him to write certain examinations to confirm his credentials. The AHRT also concluded that APEGA could not justify its registration requirements. Thus, Mihaly was successful in his claim of discrimination and was awarded $10,000 for injury to dignity. The AHRT declined to award lost wages to Mihaly.

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Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act Review

Photo: flickr/Martin Deutsch

The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act came into force on June 1, 2013. Although the idea of having legislation in Alberta was generally well received, the Whistleblower Protection Act was critiqued as being inadequate and partial. Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre (ACLRC) has gathered the research and commentary on this legislation and has set out the suggestions for amendments to make this Act more effective.

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Can We Keep the Horses in the Barn? Commissioners Release Investigation Report on Alberta Environment’s Destruction of Records after the 2015 Provincial Election

Report Discussed:   (“Investigation Report”)

On January 7, 2016, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (“OIPC”) and the Public Interest Commissioner (“PIC”) released an Investigation Report on alleged improper destruction of records by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development after the 2015 Provincial Election.  When reading the highlights of the Investigation Report’s recommendations, one hopes that the current government might implement and retain some rules and practices that deter future events of this nature.

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On Constitutional Exemptions

Photo: flickr/zalgon


In Carter v Canada (Attorney General), 2016 SCC 4 (Carter 2016) the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) granted an interesting constitutional remedy – a constitutional exemption during an extension of the suspended declaration of invalidity – which has an uncertain foundation in the text of the Constitution Act 1982. This case provides an opportunity to further explore the remedy of constitutional exemptions. In this post, I will be looking at the history of this remedy, its sources, how it operates, issues related to its unpredictable invocation and its availability in the context of present case.


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Bill S-4 (Digital Privacy Act): Extensive Expansion of Warrantless Disclosures of Personal Information

Bill S-4, the Digital Privacy Act came into force on June 18, 2015 to amend the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). The Government of Canada Backgrounder stated that “Canada’s Digital Privacy Act provides important improvements to Canada’s private sector privacy legislation, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)” and that it “will ensure that Canadians are safer and more secure when they surf the web or shop online”. However, experts and critics contend that it will open the floodgate to warrantless data-sharing and will become an extensive threat to the privacy rights it apparently aims to preserve. (Michael Geist, “Why the Digital Privacy Act Undermines Our Privacy: Bill S-4 Risks Widespread Warrantless Disclosure,” (Blog), 10 April 2014. Online: <>).

Photo: Alpha/flickr

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What Happens when a Self-Rep Steps on a Procedural Landmine during Judicial Review

The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench recently rejected an application to judicially review the dismissal of a meritorious human rights claim. Why? The self-represented applicant did not name and serve the correct respondent on time. The fatality of this misstep would have been reasonably evident to any lawyer familiar with the Rules of CourtAlta Reg 124/2010  and case law governing judicial review. For self-represented litigants, however (and particularly those coming from the relatively forgiving forum of the Alberta Human Rights Commission) this is just one of the endless procedural landmines that can destroy their claim.

photo: Sacramento County Public Law Library/flickr

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Website AdministratorComment
Bill C-24: Strengthening Canadian Citizenship- Weakening Global Security

On June 11th 2015 the final host of amendments created under the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act (Bill C-24) came into force.  Among those were amendments to section 10 of the Citizenship Act, RSC 1985, c C-29 [Citizenship Act] greatly expanding the government’s ability to revoke Canadian citizenship. The amendments apply to naturalized Canadians, dual citizens and Canadian-born citizens who are eligible to obtain dual citizenship (Citizenship Act). Prior to Bill C-24, only naturalized citizenship could be revoked, and revocation was limited to cases where citizenship was obtained by means of fraud or false pretenses (Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Legislative Summary of Bill C-24: An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts by Julie Béchard, Penny Becklumb, & Sandra Elgersma (Ottawa: Library of Parliament, 2014), online: <> [Legislative Summary]).  Now treason, terrorism, aiding the enemy, espionage, and communicating safeguarded or operational information have been added to the list of exile-worthy offences  (Legislative Summary). 

Photo: Doug/flickr

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Mandatory Retirement of School Bus Drivers Again Before Alberta Human Rights Tribunal

Once again, the Human Rights Tribunal has been asked to address the issue of mandatory retirement for school bus drivers in Alberta. In an earlier case involving a preliminary hearing, Pelley and Albers v Northern Gateway Regional School Division No 76, 2012 AHRC 2 (Pelly and Albers), the Tribunal held that the School Division was an “employer” for the purposes of the Alberta Human Rights Act, RSA 2000 cA-25.5 (AHRA), section 7. (See:

Photo: dhendrix73/flickr

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