Who Are We Talking About?

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, questioning, asexual, two-spirit and others (“LGBT+”) [some materials now use the terms LGBTQ+, LGBTQ2S+,  LGBTQIA2, LGBT2SQ, or LGBTTIQQ2SA, LGBTQIA2S+] youth are as diverse as heterosexual youth; they are white, black, Latino, Asian; they live in rural areas, small towns and big cities; some live with physical or mental disabilities; they are wealthy, middle-class or just getting by; they have left-wing, right-wing and middle-of-the-road political opinions. LGBT youth have diverse and sometimes contradicting opinions, diverse tastes in clothes and music, diverse life experiences and upbringings, and multi-layered, multi-faceted experiences of growing up LGBT+. Find out more about: