The Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre

Request a Presentation

Presentations on Human Rights and Civil Liberties Topics

ACLRC human rights educators will create and present presentations on topics such as:

  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Human Rights in Alberta
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Privacy
  • Racism and Racial Discrimination
  • Other related topics

The presentation will be tailored to the needs of the specific audience as indicated by the person/educator who requests the presentation.

Anti-Racism Workshops

We offer Anti-Racism workshops for people to come to an understanding of Racism, how it is learned and how it manifests and operates, acknowledging that it is a continuous learning process.

For participants who have little or no knowledge of racism, how it operates, the difference between racism and racial discrimination, and who want to implement systemic change in their work groups and organizations, we have developed on-line training modules. These will take between 2 – 3 hours over a period of about 2 to 3 weeks or more depending on the needs of the requestor. For participants who may not have the time to commit to that depth of learning and who want what amounts to an overview of Anti-Racism, we offer a 4 hour virtual workshop which will set the stage for a group come to a collective understanding about the subject, and be the foundation for effecting change in their organization.

A list of workshop components is available on request.

Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Canada

Designed for secondary and post secondary audiences, this seminar provides information about the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Canada’s and Alberta’s Response to the crisis, domestic and international human rights legislation applicable to refugees, challenges faced by refugees and ways we can accommodate these new Canadians.

ACLRC will provide a three-hour seminar aimed at explaining why human rights must be accommodated, what human rights must be accommodated, what are employees required to reveal about their needs for accommodation, the employer’s duty to accommodate and its limits, examples of accommodation based on disabilities, gender and religion, among other grounds, and making and defending a human rights claim. Includes useful materials provided on USBs. When lunch is provided, there is a small cost and subsidies are available.

Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre’s (ACLRC) Human Rights Education Program (Designed for Teachers and suitable for PD Days):

ACLRC supports teachers by creating resources for teaching about human rights. This session features the human rights education resources, free presentations and services provided by ACLRC. Some resources are available free at Includes hands on sample activities, resources, DVD clips and specific information on how our resources meet curriculum requirements.

Creating a Classroom Charter of Rights:

Students look at our DVD on Discrimination, Harassment and Human Rights and then participate in an activity where they work in small groups to discuss rights and responsibilities and to create their own Classroom Charter of Rights and Responsibilities. They then put up their Charters in their classrooms. Most requested by Grade 6 and 7 teachers.

Harassment and Youth (Designed for Teachers and suitable for PD Days):

Harassment and bullying, including cyber bullying, among youth often has serious emotional and academic consequences.  Teaches youth about healthy interactions and legal responsibilities with resources to address this educational and social problem. Based on our online program “Harassment and Bullying: A school-wide approach”.

Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying:

Surveys indicate that harassment, including sexual harassment and bullying (which is a form of harassment), are a significant problem in schools. Many behaviours that young people consider funny are actually deemed harassing behaviours. Alberta Learning approved an earlier edition of our DVD on Discrimination and Harassment and student and teacher resources for use in the Health curriculum for Junior High students and CALM for Senior High students.

Human Rights Around the World:

This presentation looks at Human Rights in Canada and some other countries around the world highlighting children’s rights and gender inequalities. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Convention on the Rights of the Child are outlined.

Our World, Our Communities, Our Classrooms: Embracing Diverse Perspectives (Designed for Teachers- suitable for PD days):

Classrooms are dynamic environments for truly embracing multiple perspectives. Students from diverse backgrounds bring multiple worldviews. Gain some practical tools to appreciate and discuss the diversity in your classrooms.

Using Media to Teach Human Rights (Designed for Teachers and suitable for PD days):

The ACLRC’s kit, The Rights Angle – Human Rights Education Using the Media, contains teacher background information and student activities on human rights and the media. Using the news media as a focal point for education is effective and powerful because it contains current events about real life issues. This workshop provides hands-on sample activities.


Come join the fun as we increase awareness about homophobic bullying, create a safe space to ask questions about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people and create strategies to combat bullying. Join the hundreds of Calgary area students that have taken this session. Also check out — an up-to-date website of resources and services for LGBT youth in Alberta (Click here to go to

Standing up, standing out:

An interactive, fun one-hour workshop about LGBT communities. This workshop provides a space for students to talk about issues facing LGBTT youth, such as bullying, dating, making friends, and finding support.

Trans-identified and in school:

A one-hour seminar that provides students with an opportunity to understand the challenges that a transgender or transsexual youth has when coming out. This seminar gently creates a dialogue about trans youth today.

Youth and Disabilities:

Presentation on disabilities, equality, stereotypes, impact of disabilities on youth in education, Alberta Human Rights Act, accommodation for youth with disabilities, sample cases, and class activities. May be accompanied by our new powerpoint presentation (see Human Rights Education Program).

Presentation Request Form

HREP Presentation

We Are

Summer Student 2025

ACLRC is seeking a motivated and detail-oriented law student to support the organization in organizing and cataloging its physical and digital legal library. This role is ideal for a first- or second-year law student interested in legal research, knowledge management, and improving access to legal resources. This position reports directly to the Executive Director (ED) and works in cooperation with the Director of Research and Education (DRE) and the Communications Coordinator.
Apply Online

Director of Research and Education

The Director of Research and Education (DRE) at ACLRC leads our research and education initiatives, setting priorities and shaping our annual research agenda. The DRE plays a key role in advancing civil liberties education in Alberta.
Apply Online

Sign Up For a Program

NEW Anti-Racism programs!
Click the button below for more information on our programming.
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Volunteer Opportunities

For volunteer opportunities please check back in the future. Click below for more info on volunteering.

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We aim to promote awareness among Albertans about civil liberties and human rights through research & education.
Land Acknowledgement: The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta (Districts 5 and 6).

2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
(403) 220-2505

