About the Research Centre

Things we do:

  • Human Rights Education Project
  • Providing Information to the Public
  • Research and Education - Not Advocacy
  • Resource Library and Website

Our Mission:

To promote respect for civil liberties and human rights in Alberta through research and education to contribute to a more just and inclusive community.

Many of our programs, such as education sessions, are free. See our website or contact us at:

Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
MFH 2350 University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary AB T2N 1N4
p: 403-220-2505

e: aclrc@ucalgary.ca


These are some of our recent publications that are available from the ACLRC library or for purchase. Contact us at: aclrc@ucalgary.ca for more information or see our publication list.

  • Respectful Me: Respectful You: Discrimination, Harassment and Human Rights
  • Respectful Me, Respectful You: Educator’s Manual
  • …But words DO hurt: Stories from GLBTT Youth, DVD

See aclrc.com for more information. You can also purchase these resources from the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre (ACLRC) by calling 403-220-2505 or borrowing them from our library.